March 6, 2024

I-90 Restriping Closure Rescheduled

As part of their emergency repair work for the failing expansion joint on the I-90 East Channel Bridge, WSDOT will restripe lanes to help ease congestion until the joint can be replaced. A full eastbound I-90 closure from Seattle to Mercer Island will be conducted.

This closure was originally slated for March 8 - 10, however weather conditions did not cooperate. WSDOT is now planning to conduct the closure and complete the work the weekend of March 15 - 17.

The closure is scheduled to begin at 11:00pm Friday through 6:00am Sunday. This new date remains conditional on the weather - restriping work requires several days of dry weather and temperatures above 40 degrees. WSDOT is continuing to monitor conditions and will alert the City if conditions require another change.

I-90 eastbound will close on the Seattle side with no cars coming across to the Island. This will prevent the rerouting of off-Island traffic onto Mercer Island streets. There will be an on-Island detour for Islanders needing to travel east: the only access point onto I-90 eastbound will be at the East Mercer Way I-90 on-ramp. Westbound I-90 and related on/off-ramps will operate as usual. 

As always, you can see the latest travel information on WSDOT's Real-Time Travel Map.

Council Issues Letter to the Community on New Public Safety and Maintenance Facility

At the City Council Planning Session on March 1, the Council unanimously directed the City Manager to commence planning for a new Public Safety and Maintenance Building on the current City Hall campus.

The Council issued a letter to the community at yesterday's regular meeting detailing their unanimous support for this project and outlining what the community can expect:

March 6, 2024

Last week, your City Council took a pivotal step in the future of City operations by unanimously approving the costing and design for a new Public Safety and Maintenance Building on the current City Hall campus. This facility would house the City’s Police Department and public works crews, providing a safe and functional facility that meets the urgent needs of our City today.

The motion, put forward by Deputy Mayor Rosenbaum during the Council's annual planning session, demonstrates a collective commitment to enhancing the safety and well-being of our employees and community. The existing Public Works Building is well beyond its useful life and hasn’t met our needs for some time. The closure of City Hall only exacerbated this challenge, displacing staff across all teams and the specialized functions of our Police Department. 

Careful evaluation and planning brought us to this path forward. Building a new facility serving both our police and public works teams meets the unique needs of both departments in a much more efficient manner. The City Manager will now commence planning for this new facility, with a preliminary scope and cost estimate due in Q2 2024.


Spring Recycling Event Coming Up

The popular Spring Recycling Event returns this month, taking place on Saturday, March 30, from 9:00am - 3:00pm. This event is the perfect opportunity to safely dispose of old equipment, hardware, appliances, and other household items that are cluttering your basement or garage.

It's easy to participate - simply drive up and unload eligible items for recycling and disposal. You can learn more about what's accepted on the event webpage.

Don't miss the new location! Due to the closure of City Hall, the event will be held at the Islander Middle School Parking Lot (7447 84th Ave SE) - the City thanks the Mercer Island School District for this support.

Hopelink Mobile Market Program Continues

The City's Youth and Family Services Department provides a variety of services to help Islanders through counseling, wellness initiatives, and support services - including food security programs. YFS continues its partnership with Hopelink to bring their Mobile Market truck to Mercer Island. The Mobile Market will visit the Community and Event Center parking lot the first and third Wednesday of each month from 1:00pm - 4:00pm to provide fresh and shelf-stable goods to residents experiencing food insecurity.

This is a free market available to any Island resident or family facing food insecurity. You can learn more about the Hopelink Mobile Market on their website. Contact the YFS confidential voicemail line at (206) 275-7657 for additional information.

Get Involved: Join a City Board or Commission

Your community needs you - consider applying to serve on a Mercer Island board or commission! The annual recruitment for these positions is open now through April 26, 2024.


Board and commission members help shape the City in unique ways by sharing their expertise or perspective. Candidates must be current residents of Mercer Island, unless otherwise specified by the Mercer Island City Code, and some positions have specific requirements.

Learn more and apply on the City's website. Applications will be accepted through April 26, 2024.

City Snapshot
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