Boards & Commissions Annual Recruitment Open Now

Current Vacancies - We Want YOU!

There are open vacancies on City boards and commissions, and you can join! Help shape the future of your city in unique ways by sharing your expertise or perspective - candidates must be current residents of Mercer Island, unless otherwise specified by the Mercer Island City Code (see MICC 3.34.030(B)2 Design Commission), and some boards or commissions highly prefer certain qualifications (for example, Design Commission). The following positions are currently available and accepting applications:

  • Arts Council (1 position; term expires May 31, 2026)
  • Design Commission (1 position; urban planners are encouraged to apply and will be given priority and considered for appointment before other applicants; term expires May 31, 2026)
  • Open Space Conservancy Trust (2 positions, terms expire May 31, 2026)
  • Parks & Recreation Commission (2 positions, terms expire May 31, 2026)
  • Planning Commission (3 positions. 1 position; term expires May 31, 2023 and 2 positions; terms expire May 31, 2026)
  • Utility Board (2 positions; terms expire May 31, 2026)

Interested in volunteering? Apply today! Applications for these vacancies will be accepted through May 4, 2022.  Questions? Email the City Clerk.

Applicant Requirements
Candidates must be current residents of Mercer Island, unless otherwise specified by the Mercer Island City Code (see MICC 3.34.030(B)2 Design Commission). In addition, applicants are urged to familiarize themselves with the applicable criteria for the position they are applying for, as some boards or commissions highly prefer certain qualifications (for example, Design Commission.

  • Mercer Island Arts Council – see MICC 3.55                                
  • Design Commission – see MICC 3.34.030                                     
  • Planning Commission – see MICC 3.46
  • Parks & Recreation Commission – see MICC 3.53
  • Open Space Conservancy Trust – see Ord. No. 96-002            
  • Utility Board – see MICC 3.52

The City Council adopted a revised Code of Ethics on June 15, 2021. These standards and guidelines apply to the City Council and Board Members and Commissioners.

If you or someone you know is interested in serving on a City advisory board or commission, please encourage them to complete an application. Applications may be returned via email to the City Clerk, dropped off at the white drop box located outside City Hall, or mailed to City Hall, c/o City Clerk at 9611 SE 36th Street, Mercer Island, WA 98040.