Social Media

Social Media

The City uses social media to deliver information to the community and provide additional ways to interact with the City. Please read our Social Media Terms of Use.

You can read more in-depth stories in the MI-Weekly E-newsletter, published Wednesday afternoons. View a list of all available City Email subscriptions here.

We also encourage all residents to sign up for our Emergency Alerts public notification service.

Main City Facebook
[General announcements and stories, meetings, celebrations, newsletters, and public interest]          

Main City Bluesky
[Breaking news, major events & meetings, reminders, emergencies]     

Main City Twitter 

[Breaking news, major events & meetings, reminders, emergencies]        

Main City Instagram

[Community news, City updates, Island life snapshots]        

Main City YouTube Channel
[Wide range of general educational topics]

City Council Meetings & Hearings YouTube Channel
​[Council meetings and hearings, some Boards and Commissions]

Click here to learn more and sign up
[General announcements, meetings/events, celebrations, public outreach, emergency updates]
[Note that this is not a City-controlled outlet, the City merely has an official presence via its account. In addition, the City can only see its own posts and replies to them; other neighbor-to-neighbor content is hidden]

Police Dept Facebook (MIPD Terms of Use)
[Police-related topics, crime updates, events]  

Police Dept Twitter 

[Breaking safety/crime news, emergency info, outreach]    

Police Dept Instagram
[Various MIPD photos]

Emergency Management Facebook
[Emergency information, trainings and preparedness activities]  

Fire Dept Facebook
[Fire-related incidents, topics, events and trainings]  

Parks and Recreation Facebook
[Wide range of general parks and recreation topics and events]

Parks and Recreation Instagram
[Various event and facility photos or videos]

Parenting Mercer Island
[Parenting tips and advice for Islanders]

Thrift Shop Facebook
[General Thrift Shop info and sale details]

Thrift Shop Instagram​
[Various merchandise photos, etc]

Affiliated Pages


Mercer Island Youth and Family Services Foundation Facebook
[Updates and news on Foundation-related events and fundraisers]

Mercer Island Youth and Family Services Foundation Twitter

[Updates and news on Foundation-related events and fundraisers]