Design Commission

The Mercer Island Design Commission was established in 1972 as an advisory commission to the City Council with regulatory power on matters related to design in the City's commercial, office, and multi-family residential areas. Specifically, its mission is to promote quality community design and enhance construction and maintenance practices that will create an aesthetically attractive, easily accessible, and economically healthy environment throughout Mercer Island.

City design guidelines apply to all business, office, and multi-family residential construction within and out of Town Center, as well as schools and public facilities in residential neighborhoods.


The Design Commission meets on the first Wednesday, as needed, of each month at 6:00 pm. Board and Commission meetings are held in a hybrid format. The public is welcome to join meetings in person at Mercer Island Community & Event Center, 8236 SE 24th Street, Mercer Island, or remotely using Zoom.

Agendas, Minutes, and Videos

Visit the meetings page to view Design Commission meeting agendas, review past meeting minutes, or find links to meeting videos. 

Staff Liaisons

Ryan Harriman, EMPA, AICP
Planning Manager
(206) 275-7717

Deborah Estrada, MMC
Administrative Coordinator/Deputy City Clerk
(206) 275-7791


Seven citizens comprise the board which is staffed by the Community Planning & Development Department. Of its seven members, one shall be selected from each of the professions of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and civil engineering, and at least two lay members. A majority of the members shall be residents of Mercer Island.

Members are appointed to four-year terms by the City Council, running June 1 - May 31. In making appointments, the Council shall seek to appoint persons who are knowledgeable in matters of design and aesthetic judgment by virtue of training, education, and/or experience, and who possess qualities of impartiality and broad judgment.

Click HERE for an application.


Name Pos.   Term Begins Term Ends
Megan Atkinson 1 Landscape Architect 03/01/2022 05/31/2027
Traci Granbois 2 Lay Person 06/01/2021 05/31/2027
Laura Uskevich 3 Lay Person 06/01/2024 05/31/2028
John Xu (Vice Chair) 4 Lay Person 06/01/2024 05/31/2028
Suzanne Zahr (Chair) 5 Architect &
Civil Engineering
08/31/2021 05/31/2025
Catherine Lategan 6 Lay Person 10/19/2021 05/31/2025
Christopher Patano 7 Architect 06/07/2022 05/31/2026