Sub-Basin 29.3 and 34.1 Watercourse Stabilization

Project ID: 
SW0112, SW0114
Project Type:
Project Status: 

Project Location​​Project Status

To help keep area residents informed of our construction progress, we will post project updates to this site on a regular basis. Click here to see status updates.

Project Details/Neighborhood 

  • SW0112 8200 Block of West Mercer Way, Project is along open watercourse from West Mercer Way to Lake Washington

    SW0114 6200 Block of West Mercer Way, Project is along open watercourse from SE 65th Street to West Mercer Way


Stream banks have eroded over time, causing significant sedimentation downstream.


SW0112 (Sub-Basin 34.1) – channel restoration and outfall protection. 
SW0114 (Sub-Basin 29.3) – stream restoration and bank stabilization with use of stream boulders, cobbles, and logs. 

Project Timeline

Planning/Preliminary Design 2024
Final Design/Construction 2025

Estimated Budget

SW0112 (Sub-Basin 34.1) - $25,000 for assessment and initial design in 2024 
SW0114 (Sub-Basin 29.3) - $50,000 for assessment and initial design in 2024


Elayne Grueber, P.E, Capital Project Manager:



Status Updates

September 2024

The City hired Natural Systems Design (NSD) to complete the design work for Sub-basin 29.3.  The initial kick-off project meeting with the NSD design team and City staff was completed.  The design team is planning field and survey work, which is expected to take place over 2 to 3 days in mid-October. The City has also notified residents in the vicinity of the upcoming work to keep them informed.

August 2024
Based on the condition assessment report from the consultant, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, the City has determined to begin remediation efforts at Sub-Basin 29.3.  Sub-basin 34.1 will continue to be monitored but no remediation work will be undertaken at this time.

The City is in the process of selecting a consultant to begin the design phase for the remediation of Sub-Basin 29.3.


June 2024

NHC submitted a condition assessment with recommendations for watercourses in Sub-Basin 29 and Sub-Basin 34.

Sub-Basin 29, NHC reported that the watercourse appears to be actively incising with ongoing erosion of the channel bed.  NHC recommended the implementation of a Capital Improvement Project aimed at stabilizing the channel.  The City is currently in the process of procuring the services of an engineering firm to design improvements for this watercourse.

Sub-Basin 34, NHC reported minimal change in watercourse conditions compared to previous investigations.  NHC recommended continued monitoring and assessment of this watercourse.

May 2024
The consultant, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC), completed an assessment of the watercourses in April.  Their assessment included fieldwork to survey the condition of the watercourse.  NHC is currently completing a condition report to summarize their findings.  The report for both basins is expected in June.

February 2024

Northwest Hydraulic Consultants has been contracted to complete a condition assessment to confirm the current watercourse condition and verify project needs.