Planning Commission Video Meeting

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 6:00pm

September 29 - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mercer Island Planning Commission will hold a rescheduled public hearing on November 3, 2021, as described below.  

File No: ZTR21-004

Requested action: The Planning Commission will hold a rescheduled public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Mercer Island City Code (MICC) to update the Town Center Retail requirements in MICC 19.11.020.  The scope of the proposed code amendment includes revising the retail use adjacent to street frontages requirements as well as adding a commercial floor area ratio requirement and a limited no net loss requirement.

Party Proposing the Amendment: City of Mercer Island

Location of Property: Town Center Sub-Area

SEPA Compliance: The City is conducting a non-project action State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review, which includes the issuance of a threshold determination.

Related Documents: Please follow this file path to access the associated documents for this project:
Documents will continually be added to this file as the process moves forward.  The public hearing draft code will be available by October 4, 2021.

Written Comments: Written comments on these proposals may be submitted to the City of Mercer Island by email to

Anyone may comment on the application, receive notice, and request a copy of the decision once made.  Public comment is accepted and considered by the Planning Commission and/ or City Council through the legislative review process.  Only those persons who submit written comments or participate at the public hearing will be parties of record; and only parties of record will have the right to appeal.

Public Hearing, Public Meeting and Public Comment:  The Planning Commission will conduct a rescheduled public hearing and review the proposed code amendment at their regularly scheduled public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 3, 2021.  The public hearing was rescheduled from October 6, 2021, to November 3, 2021.  The meeting will be held virtually using video conferencing technology provided by Zoom, and the public will have the opportunity to comment during the public hearing by either calling in or logging onto the meeting as a Zoom attendee. Please note this rescheduled public hearing date supersedes the original public hearing date of October 6, 2021, which is now cancelled.

Join by Telephone at 6:00 pm: To listen to the hearing via telephone, please call 253.215.8782 and enter Webinar ID 825 3587 2277 and Passcode 157694 when prompted.

Join by Internet at 6:00 pm: To watch the hearing over the internet via your computer microphone/ speakers follow these steps:

1. Click this Link

2. If the Zoom app is not installed on your computer, you will be prompted to download it.

3. If prompted for Meeting ID, enter 825 3587 2277; Enter Passcode 157694

Written comments will also be accepted until the public hearing is closed.  Detailed instructions on how to comment live during the public hearing can be found here:

Information on how to join the Planning Commission meeting will be posted on the City website on or before October 29, 2021 at:

Applicable Development Regulations: The proposed code amendment will be reviewed consistent with the criteria in MICC 19.15.250

Other Associated Permits: SEPA review

Environmental Documents: The associated documents for this project can be accessed via the following link, when they are issued:

Project Contact: 
Alison Van Gorp, Deputy Director
Community Planning & Development
(206) 275-7733


  • Mercer Island Reporter, September 29, 2021
  • Website Public Notice, September 29, 2021
  • Planning Commission Calendar, October 1, 2021