Advisory Board or Commission Application Process

Welcome to the City of Mercer Island Advisory Board or Commission Application Process. The application is on the bottom of this page.  Click here to be taken directly to the application. 

Thank you for your interest in serving the Mercer Island community on a City advisory board or commission.  Mercer Island's advisory boards and commissions provide an invaluable service to the City. Their advice on a wide variety of subjects aids the City Council in the decision-making process. Effective citizen participation is an invaluable tool for local government.  

Please carefully review the information below, to complete the application. After clicking submit, your application will be sent to the City Clerk’s Office. 

Appointments to boards and commissions are made by a vote of the City Council during a regularly scheduled meeting. Generally, terms run June 1 through May 31, for a four-year period. Members shall serve without compensation.  

Applicant Requirements

Candidates must be current residents of Mercer Island, unless otherwise specified by the Mercer Island City Code (see MICC 3.34.030(B)2 Design Commission and MICC 3.46.030 Planning Commission). In addition, applicants are urged to familiarize themselves with the applicable criteria for the position they are applying for, as some boards or commissions highly prefer certain qualifications (for example, Design Commission and Planning Commission).

  • Mercer Island Arts Council – see MICC 3.55 - Applications are being accepted through February 25, 2025                          
  • Design Commission – see MICC 3.34.030                                     
  • Planning Commission – see MICC 3.46 
  • Parks & Recreation Commission – see MICC 3.53
  • Open Space Conservancy Trust – see Ord. No. 96-002            
  • Utility Board – see MICC 3.52

Click here to go directly to the application.

Application Process

If you meet the above requirements and want to apply, you may submit an application for specific boards or commissions regardless of whether there are current vacancies or expiring positions. You may submit one application for multiple advisory boards or commissions of interest to you.

If you are appointed, you will receive a letter from the Mayor indicating the term of your appointment. The department responsible for staffing the board or commission will contact you for orientation and provide you notice of the first meeting.

The contact information for each applicant is retained in the City Clerk’s Office for only two years. During this two year period, you may be contacted if there is a vacancy or during the annual recruitment process to determine if you would like to submit a current application for an open position.

Appointment Process

Please see the City Council Rules of Procedure Section 8.12 for the boards and commission appointment process (see Section 8.13 for appointment process for vacant positions). 

Open Government Training Requirement 

Per City Council Rules of Procedure Section 8.14, within 45 days of the appointment to a board or commission, all new members must complete the Open Public Meetings Act training required by the Open Government Trainings Act and provide proof of completion of such training to the City Clerk.

Please complete the entire application to assist the City with the appointment process.

Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
I have read and understand the application process as outlined above. *
Please select all boards or commissions that you would like to be consider for appointment to.
Arts CouncilDesign CommissionOpen Space Conservancy TrustParks & Recreation CommissionPlanning CommissionUtility Board
Please select all that apply *
Please tell us more about you.
Have you previously served on one of our boards or commissions? *
Please upload your resume.
Upload resume
Resumes are required for Planning Commission Resident and Non-Resident Paid Practitioners.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx.
Are you applying for a position on the Planning Commission *
Are you applying for a paid practitioner position on the Planning Commission? (MICC 3.46.030(A)(1) and (3))
If you checked “yes” for a paid practitioner position, did you upload your resume?
Resumes are required for Resident and Non-Resident Paid Practitioner applications.
Are you applying for a lay member position on the Planning Commission? (MICC 3.46.030(A)(2))
Are you applying for a position on the Design Commission *
Are you applying for a specialist position on the Design Commission? (MICC 3.34.030(A)(1))
If you checked “yes” for a specialist position, please specify whether your profession is one of the following specialties:
Are you applying for a lay member position on the Design Commission? (MICC 3.34.030(A)(2))
Do you or a family member have financial interest in, or are you an employee or officer of any business or agency which does business within the City of Mercer Island? *
Known potential conflicts of interest in serving on the boards and/or commissions selected above *
City's Code of Ethics Statement and Guidelines *
If appointed, you will be required to sign the Code of Ethics Statement as described on our website at as well complete Code of Ethics training.
City Advisory Boards and Commissions require regular attendance of members to be able to conduct business. Board and Commission meetings are being held in a hybrid format.
ARTS COUNCIL: Third Wednesday of the month once each Quarter (January, April, July and October) at 5:30 pm.
DESIGN COMMISSION: First Wednesday, as needed, of each month at 6:00 pm
OPEN SPACE CONSERVANCY TRUST BOARD: Third Thursday of the month once each Quarter (January, April, July and October) at 5:00 pm.
PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION: First Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm
PLANNING COMMISSION: Fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm.
UTILITY BOARD: Second Tuesday, as needed, of each month at 5:00 pm.
City Advisory Boards and Commissions Attendance *
City of Advisory Boards and Commissions Application Statement *
I certify all information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification of this application is grounds for dismissal as a volunteer.
Please type name and date application is submitted