22-28 RFP - Mercer Island Facilities Assessment & Long Range Planning

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid Awarded To: 
Northwest Studio
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 - 4:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 

Proposals Due: January 17, 2023
Contact: Merrill Thomas-Schadt, merrill.schadt@mercergov.org

The City of Mercer Island, Washington is seeking a qualified firm to complete a Facilities Conditions Assessment for six municipal buildings and to lead the development of a Long-Range Facilities Plan for select City facilities. The firm selected for this project may also be invited to provide support for other facility capital project work including concept development, design, bidding, and construction management.

Given the age and condition of many City facilities, the City of Mercer Island is interested in completing a Facilities Conditions Assessment to guide future capital investment decisions and the development of a Long-Range Facilities Plan. The City is interested in partnering with a consulting firm with experience in all facets of facility planning work – from technical assessment to concept development, community engagement, design, and construction.

The scope of work includes Mercer Island City Hall, the Public Works Building, the Mercer Island Community & Event Center Annex Building, the Luther Burbank Administrative Building, the Mercer Island Thrift Shop, and the former Tully’s Building.

The project will be completed in two phases, the first being the Facilities Conditions Assessment performed in 2023. The assessment and accompanying data and analysis will be used to develop a report which documents and prioritizes a comprehensive repair, alteration, and improvement budget for extending building life for 30 to 50 years. This report will provide a foundation to guide the City’s decisions to repair or replace these facilities.

The outcomes from the Facilities Conditions Assessment will help shape and guide the second phase of work, anticipated in 2024, which will include development of a Long-Range Facilities Plan for select facilities.

For more information, see the complete RFP here.