Biennial Community Survey

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Since 2004, the City has conducted a biennial community survey to track customer satisfaction with City services, to identify resident priorities, and to get input on significant community issues. Through 2016, the survey was conducted by telephone (by EMC, Inc) with 300-400 randomly-selected Island residents of all ages. In 2018, the survey was conducted by mail (by ETC Institute). No survey was conducted in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ETC Institute is once again conducting the City's 2024 Community Survey. A sampling of Islanders will receive mailers with information on how to take the survey.

The survey represents the only statistically valid information the staff currently receives on most City services. The survey adds value by creating a feedback loop that is helpful in identifying areas of concern with City services, in determining information gaps with the public that need to be bridged, and in allocating scarce resources during the biennial budget process.

Please click on the links below to view survey results, and related presentations.

Over time, some trends are apparent:

  • In 2010, traffic/transportation/parking was the most important problem cited by respondents.
  • In 2012, education/school funding emerged as the top concern.
  • In 2014, concern over the possible tolling of I-90 emerged as the top concern.
  • In 2016, traffic/transportation/parking tied with over development at the leading concern.
  • In 2018, regulating development on the Island emerged as a top priority for residents. 
  • In 2022 and 2024, regulating development remained a top priority for residents.

Through recent years, community optimism has remained fairly consistent:

  • In previous years, between 65% and 75% believed the City is "heading in the right direction." In 2024, that number rose to 84%.
  • In 2024, about three quarters of residents felt the City was using tax dollars responsibly, compared to less than half in 2012.
  • The majority of Islanders continue to express a desire for more retail and restaurant option on the Island. 

While this survey provides consistent feedback on a biennial basis, the City Council and City staff always welcome community comments.