Get Involved in the Town Center Visioning Process
Public Meetings
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Community Engagement Strategy
On February 23, 2015, the Mercer Island City Council approved the Community Engagement Process for the Town Center Development Code Update and adopted the Town Center Community Engagement Strategy to actively seek community input and encourage a collaborative working environment during the Town Center Development Code revision process.
The Agenda Bill (AB 5040, 11 pages) that addresses this topic can be found in the supporting documents below.
The Engagement Strategy includes the following components:
- Town Center Stakeholder Group (See below for list of members)
The City Council’s Town Center Subcommittee received 71 applications for a seat on the Town Center Stakeholder Group, which will comprise approximately 40 members representing a broad cross section of Island residents. In addition to the general public, members were drawn from various community groups and include persons (residents and non-residents) who are directly involved in Town Center businesses and Island development.
Stakeholder Group meeting agendas, supporting materials, and notes.
See below for Stakeholder Group survey results on the effectiveness of the Public Engagement Process (August 2015).
- Town Center Liaison Group (TCLG) (See below for list of members)
The TCLG’S primary responsibility is to serve as a liaison between the public and the City Council, City staff and outside consultants to ensure that the public receives sufficient information and ample opportunity to provide public input, and that the input received is properly considered and addressed in the development of changes to the Development Code.
Liaison Group meeting agendas, supporting materials, and notes.
The TCLG will focus specifically on:
- Serve as a ‘monitor’ to ensure that the public engagement process is effective.
- If the public input process that was initially envisioned is not being effective, then the TCLG along with the consultants and City staff will promptly adjust the methods to engage the public through alternate means.
- Work with the consultants, Stakeholder Group and City staff to develop Town Center Development Code outline proposals that reflect the general consensus of public input.
- Review Development Code language with City staff, Stakeholder Group and consultants to ensure consistency with public input and subsequent City Council direction.
- Resolve any public questions regarding Stakeholder Group participation and process
- Town Center Public Input Meetings
These meetings offer a wide range of residents many opportunities to provide input on the visioning process.
Public Input meeting notes and materials.