25-14 RFQ - On-Call Professional Land Surveying & Mapping Services
RFQ Submittal Due: Monday, March 17, 2025, 5pm PST
Contact: Leah Llamas, GIS Manager, Leah.Llamas@mercerisland.gov
The City of Mercer Island (City) is releasing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified professional surveying firms interested in providing on-call land surveying services.
The City, operating through its various departments, has an ongoing need for professional land surveying services to support a wide range of initiatives & projects. No specific projects are listed in this RFQ. Individual scopes of work will be developed as defined by the City based on projects, priorities, and budget. The selected consultant will serve as a partner, working collaboratively with the City, to provide specialized surveying and mapping-related services.