Targeted Tree Removals in Aubrey Davis Park

Nov 18, 2020 - Out of concern for the wellbeing of all users along the Aubrey Davis Park corridor, the City will be removing more than 100 dead and dying trees over the coming weeks. All of the trees identified for removal have been evaluated carefully and methodically by a qualified Tree Risk Assessor.

Strategically removing the trees now helps the City avoid unexpected blowdowns during winter and protects the safety of all users along this very busy corridor. Over one third of the trees were already slated for removal by King County Metro during its upcoming sewer line replacement, scheduled to begin in 2022. The City will plant replacement trees in a mix of species in areas that are not impacted by the King County project.

The City’s contractor will post work notices one week in advance at each location, and will alert trail users with signage and detour information when necessary; a dedicated safety officer will be onsite and all work will be monitored by a City arborist.

The removals are expected to wrap up by year's end.  Park users will see new saplings planted in the corridor throughout the winter season. For more information, please contact Alaine Sommargren, Parks Operations Manager, at