Luther Burbank Minor Capital Levy

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Project Status: 
Luther Burbank Park

Project LocationProject Details/Neighborhood 

  • Luther Burbank Park


Roads, docks, sports courts, turf areas, restrooms, facilities, parking lots, trails, and shoreline have suffered from extended deferred maintenance. These areas need ongoing minor repair. On a recurring basis, equipment, facilities, and amenities must be repaired or replaced as they reach the end of their useful life-cycle.


Repairs and minor improvements to Luther Burbank Park infrastructure, equipment, and amenities consistent with the 2006 Luther Burbank Park Master Plan and the 2022 Parks Levy. Meets ongoing needs for infrastructure repair and replacement, including trees, docks, pathways, trails, fixtures, drainage, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, etc. Upgrades and current needs are included in the project scope.

Project Timeline (Target Completion)

Q4 2024

Estimated Budget

2023 $111,100

2024 $112,211


Sam Harb, Parks Operations Manager:

Luther Burbank Park Swim Beach Piling Removal
Luther Burbank Boiler Building view
Status Updates

May 2022 Update

Luther Burbank Boiler Building view
Photo 1: Luther Burbank Boiler Building view

The Design Team is working on 30% design.

Staff is applying for grants in June. Letters of support are welcome!

February 2022 Update

Staff have been coordinating scopes of work with the Luther Docks project. A geotechnical contract to serve both projects has been developed with Geoengineers. Consultant selection for this phase of work is underway

​November 2021 Update

Luther Burbank Park Swim Beach Piling Removal

Photo: Luther Burbank Park Swim Beach Piling Removal

Three creosote pilings at Luther Burbank Swim Beach were removed and replaced with four buoys in October. Temporary buoys are installed until the permanent buoys arrive. Luther Burbank docks short term repairs are in final permitting and should be bid in December.