City Continues Discussions with Sound Transit on 90% Design Plans for Mercer Island Transit Interchange

Oct 2, 2020 - Today, the City sent a letter to Sound Transit conveying the ongoing concerns it has that Sound Transit is not honoring the deal it struck with the City three years ago. We continue to provide detailed and expansive technical comments on design plans submitted by Sound Transit and are administering the permit review process consistent with the 2017 Settlement Agreement.

As set forth in detail in the letter, the City is continuing its timely review of Sound Transit’s permits and plans in compliance with the Settlement Agreement and is in no way delaying progress of the project. Likewise, the City also expects compliance with the Settlement Agreement from Sound Transit, and has asked that Sound Transit participate in mediation to resolve ongoing safety and traffic concerns related to the bus-rail interchange at North Mercer Way as presented in the 90% Design Plans. The goal of any mediation would be to reach agreement with Sound Transit that acknowledges the bargain struck by both sides. We remain hopeful that Sound Transit and King County Metro will join us at the table in the near future.

We urge all citizens to read the latest letter from the City and find more information on the Mercer Island Transit Interchange project on the City’s Let’s Talk website.