Restoration Event | First Hill- CANCELED

Saturday, June 8, 2024 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Buckets sitting on top of a mulch pile

**This event has been canceled due to illness**

First Hill Work Party

First Hill is a small park well loved by its neighbors. The park has large trees, a playground, and a wide diversity of native plants. The park also has a lot of non-native blue bells and blackberry. Local Boy Scouts have been working hard to help remove these weeds. We now need help spreading mulch to prevent the weeds from growing back as well as doing additional weed removal. Join Forest Steward Carolyn as she leads volunteers in mulch spreading and some weed removal.

  • When: Saturday, June 8th, 1pm-4pm
  • Where: First Hill Park, (72nd Ave SE and SE 32nd St) meet by the red tool trailer
  • What to bring: Dress for the weather in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (think: long pants, boots or sneakers). Bring water. Small snacks, gloves, and tools will be provided.
  • Registration: