Elections / Voter Info
Elections and voter registration for Mercer Island is managed by King County.
The Clerk's office can assist you with voter registration. The following information is available online:
Voter Registration
Find information about registering to vote by going to the King County Elections website. You must be registered 30 days prior to an election date to be able to vote in that election. Registration forms are available at City Hall (9611 SE 36th Street, Mercer Island, WA).
King County Elections Information
Find information about voter registration, voting, polling locations, candidate and measure information, results and more by going to the King County Elections website. Use the "Find My District" tool to learn your precinct information with your County Council district, Congressional district and Legislative district.
WA State Elections Information
Find information about your voter registration status, view an online voter’s guide, see election results and more by going to the WA State Elections and Voting website.
King County Precinct Boundaries Map
King County’s interactive mapping application “Find My District” has been updated and reflects the new precinct boundaries for 2015. Citizens can input their address and a report of their precinct information with their County Council district, Congressional district and Legislative district will show, as well as a map of the area in which they can zoom in and out to see where the boundaries of their precinct or districts are. Click here to view the Mercer Island Precinct map.
Running for Mercer Island City Council
To become a City Council candidate, you must complete and file a Declaration of Candidacy, meet the qualifications for the office at the time of filing, and be registered to vote in the City. Visit the King County Elections webpage "Running for Office" or read the King County Candidate Manual for more information.
Campaign Signs - Placement on the Island
There is no specified starting date for posting campaign signs. Here are some sign placement tips:
- Campaign signs must comply with the size limitations specified in the temporary signs section of the city code (MICC 19.06.020). Maximum size according to the sign code is six square feet.
- Campaign signs can be placed on private property with the permission of the property owner.
- Campaign signs within the parking strip portion of the right-of-way generally require the consent of the abutting property owner.
- Campaign signs can be placed on some public right-of-way such as traffic islands and isolated parking strips or roadside areas, as long as there is no line of sight problem, traffic safety issue or maintenance issue (e.g. damage to irrigation lines) created by the placement of the signs. Signs cannot exceed 60 inches in height to preserve sight distances.
- City staff asks that all campaign signs be removed within 48 hours after an election.
It is best to direct your concerns or complaints to the appropriate campaign committee(s).
If any political campaign signs are picked up by City personnel, they will be available at the City Hall's loading dock for campaign committee pickup.
Click here for further information from the Public Disclosure Commission regarding political advertising and campaign signs.
Questions? Please contact the City Clerk at 206.275.7793.