Restoration Event | 62nd St Trail
The City hosts restoration events at parks and open spaces throughout the Island. This page will be updated with details as they become available. Check back often!
Upcoming Restoration Events
September 16 | Join us for a Work Party on the 62nd St Trail
Mercer Island Forest Stewards will be hosting a work party on the 62nd street trail. We will be removing non-native plants like ivy, laurel, and blackberry to make space for native plants to thrive. This benefits wildlife, plant communities, and the many neighbors that use the trail each day. It will be a great chance to get your hands in the dirt and work alongside neighbors and friends! No experience necessary; gloves and tools are provided.
- When: Saturday, September 16th, 10am-12pm
- Where: 62nd Street Trail off of Island Crest Way, if driving, it might be easier to park at Island Crest Park, and walk south on Island Crest Way, the trail is on the West side of Island Crest Way, it’s a gravel trail labeled as SE 62nd St and Stevenson Property Trail on google maps.
- What to bring: Dress for the weather in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (think: long pants, boots or sneakers). Bring water. Small snacks, gloves, and tools will be provided.
- Registration: