City Council Special Video Meeting

Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 4:00pm


Notice is hereby given that the Mercer Island City Council will hold an Executive Session on Tuesday, August 25, at 4:00 pm to discuss pending or potential litigation with legal counsel pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for approximately two hours. All Councilmembers, City Attorney, and staff will be participating remotely using teleconferencing technology provided by Microsoft Teams. This portion of the Special Meeting will NOT be open to the public.

After the Executive Session, at 6:15 pm, the City Council will hold a Special Meeting to discuss and take action on citywide communications related to Sound Transit. All City Councilmembers and staff will be participating in the meeting remotely using teleconferencing technology provided by Zoom. Pursuant to the Governor’s Safe Start reopening plan, and for the safety and wellbeing of the public and staff, City Hall remains closed. The public is encouraged to attend the Special Meeting by viewing the live feed of the video conference on the City Council’s YouTube Channel or on MITV Channel 21

Join by Telephone at 6:15 PM: To listen to the meeting via telephone, please call 253.215.8782 and enter Webinar ID 884 2644 7232 and Password 851646 when prompted. 

Join by Internet at 6:15 PM: To watch the meeting over the internet via your computer, follow these steps:  

1) Click this link 
2) If the Zoom app is not installed on your computer, you will be prompted to download it.
3) If prompted for Webinar ID, enter 884 2644 7232
4) Enter Password 851646

Deborah Estrada, City Clerk
Revised Notice: Agenda Email List of Record, August 24, 2020 at approximately 12 PM, PST
Previous Notice: Mercer Island Reporter, August 19, 2020