City Hall Closed Until Further Notice | Municipal Court
May 17, 2023 - To ensure the safety of staff and visitors, City Hall was temporarily closed late last month after disturbed materials were discovered that were confirmed to contain asbestos. These materials were located in the building’s boiler room, which also contains air-handling equipment.
City staff have been working with environmental safety experts to facilitate remediation. Tests performed inside the ducts of the HVAC system detected asbestos in settled dust samples at three locations at above background levels (out of 29 locations tested). Additionally, traces of asbestos were detected in two HVAC filters. The concentrations were low, but warrant additional testing and investigation.
Portions of the HVAC system that need to be abated due to the presence of surface level asbestos cannot be cleaned due to their type and material, and therefore must be fully removed and replaced. This will require City Hall to remain closed for an extended period of time, with a reopening date unknown. We will continue to provide updates as more information is known.
Most City services will continue operating virtually or from alternate facilities during this time and there will be no change to how most City services operate and respond to your needs. If you need assistance accessing services or have questions about this closure, please contact the City’s Customer Service Team.