December 23, 2024 Wind Storm Information
December 23, 2024 - The US National Weather Service Seattle has issued a wind advisory for 6:00pm tonight (12/23) through 2:00am tomorrow (12/24) with wind speeds around 15 - 25 mph and gusts up to 50 mph.
Puget Sound Energy has staffed up crews to respond to power outages. Remember: if you spot downed power lines, stay away and contact PSE. If they are arcing or pose a threat, call 911. You can see and track power outages or report new issues on PSE's website.
City public works crews are closely monitoring the weather and are ready to respond to roadways debris, downed trees, and other storm needs. As always, you can report issues online using MI-Connect. This is the best way to help our crews respond to issues (and you can track their progress).
Recent heavy rains increase the likelihood of falling tree limbs and debris - if you're out on the roads, make sure to:
- Slow down. Drive slower than the posted speed. This is especially important if the power is out, as it can be more difficult to see hazards in the road (think: fallen trees).
- Watch carefully for debris, including tree limbs and power lines.
- Do not drive over downed power lines, turn around.
- Treat all intersections without power as 4-way stops. Stop completely before proceeding and use turn signals - help the other drivers on the road know your actions well ahead of making them.
- Be prepared. If you have to go out, bring a first aid kit, flashlight, and spare batteries for the flashlight in your car in case of emergencies.
While conditions are expected to be less blustery than the major wind storm last month, it's best to be prepared. Learn more about storm readiness on the City's Emergency Management webpage.
If you have holiday road travel ahead, make sure to stay updated on the latest pass conditions and other roadway issues using WSDOT's real-time map.