2023-2024 Biennial Budget
At its December 6, 2022 regular meeting, the City Council adopted the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget. Scroll to the bottom of the page to select specific budget sections.
Budget Review Process
As prescribed by Washington State Law, the City Manager submitted a proposed budget for City Council review and adoption in the fall of 2022. Community members were invited to attend and participate in budget meetings. The 2023-2024 Biennial Budget was discussed during the following City Council meetings:
October 3 - City Council Special Meeting
2023-2024 Biennial Budget Overview: Opportunities, Challenges, and Key Deliverables
October 18 - City Council Regular Meeting
2023-2024 Biennial Budget Public Hearing and Staff Presentation: Review Budget Proposals, Department Overviews, and Capital Improvement Program Overview
November 1 - City Council Regular Meeting
Study Session: 2023-2024 Biennial Budget: Final Workshop to Receive Direction on Budget Proposals
November 15 - City Council Regular Meeting
2023-2024 Biennial Budget Public Hearing and Council Discussion: Adopt 2023 utility rates, NORCOM rates, ARCH funding, and property tax levies and Discuss Impact of Parks Levy Outcome
December 6 - City Council Regular Meeting
Adoption of 2023-2024 Biennial Budget