21-24 BID - Street Related Utility Improvements
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City of Mercer Island
Project Title: 2021 Street Related Utility Improvements
Bid Number: 21-24
Engineers Estimated Cost (range): $185,000 to $225,000
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM on April 29, 2021. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the temporary closure of the City Hall building, all bidders shall submit their bids in PDF format via electronic transmission to the Public Works email address at: publicworks@mercergov.org. There will be no public bid opening for this project; bid results will be posted on the City’s web page at: https://www.mercerisland.gov/rfps.
Work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for spot repairs and minor extensions of existing roadway storm drainage and replacement of galvanized water service lines along a portion of East Mercer Way and in a residential neighborhood, consisting of: 11 copper 1”-water service lines, 3 fire hydrant extensions, 4 new Type 1 catch basins, approximately 400 linear feet of new 6”, 8”, and 12” ductile iron and PVC storm drainage pipe, excavation and backfilling, HMA trench patching, temporary traffic control, and site restoration.
A single contract will be awarded to the responsible bidder submitting the lowest responsive bid. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive minor irregularities.
Plans, specifications, addenda, and bidders list are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc. at http://www.bxwa.com. Click on “Posted Projects”, “Public Works”, “City of Mercer Island”, “Projects Bidding”. Builders Exchange manages the official bidders list. Bidders are encouraged to register in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the official bidders list.
Plans and specifications are also available at the City of Mercer Island website http://www.mercerisland.gov/rfps. Addenda may not be available or updated on this website.
A bid deposit in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid total price must accompany each bid.
Bidder questions are to be directed to Clint Morris, Street Engineer, by email at clint.morris@mercergov.org, or by phone at 206-999-8041.
Deborah Estrada, MMC, City Clerk
Published: Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce – April 15 and 20, 2021