GHG Emissions Data & Tracking


The City of Mercer Island is working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 50% by 2030, 75% by 2040, and 95% by 2050 (compared to 2007 levels). To help reach these reduction targets, the City adopted the Climate Action Plan (CAP) in 2023. One of the primary actions identified in the CAP is the annual tracking of Community and Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 

In 2007, when the City began tracking emissions, the City’s total emission were estimated to be 154,000 Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e). In 2022, as part of the City's Climate Action Plan process, Mercer Island emissions from 2007 were recalculated using modern protocols and more accurate data sets, leading to an updated estimate of 332,035 MTCO2e. In addition, actual emissions data for 2017-2020 were processed to produce totals for each of those years.

2023 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2023, City staff began working with a consultant to develop a dashboard to visualize emissions for both the community and municipal operations. This dashboard was first published in March of 2024 to show the 2022 GHG Emissions Report. In late 2024, the City worked to report on 2023 GHG emissions. The results are shown in the dashboard below, along with emissions data dating back to 2017.

You can expand the dashboard using the arrow symbol in the lower right-hand corner. Clicking on each part of the graphs will provide more detailed information about associated emissions.


To view the 2023 Executive Summary Report for Mercer Island, click here.