Neighborhood Block Party Process and Requirements

Streets are an integral part of Mercer Island’s transportation system for all modes of travel. Most of Mercer Island’s streets are two lane residential streets with low to moderate volumes of traffic. These streets provide access to private residences and other neighborhood streets. On occasion, the City grants use of neighborhood streets for block parties when a short-term closure does not significantly impact the public’s ability to access the rest of the neighborhood and does not prevent use by emergency vehicles if necessary. These closures are generally allowed from street intersection to intersection to minimize impacts to traffic rather than mid-block closures that may impact traffic more significantly.

Requirements of block parties allowed in the right of way:

  • No alcoholic beverages shall be served/consumed in street right of way.
  • One side of the street shall be kept clear in case emergency vehicles need access.
  • No lane or street closures are allowed except for those authorized by this permit.
  • Remove all trash from the right of way following the party.

Block Party Request Process:

Submit a Right of Way Use Permit Application at least two weeks prior to the requested event. No fee is required. The permit application may be denied if there is no convenient detour route for cars. Include the following information in the permit application:

  • Application filled out including date, location, and time-frame of block party closing the street.
  • On a separate sheet of paper, provide a written description of the limits of the block party, the date and time-frame of the event. State that no alcoholic beverages will be  served/consumed in the right-of-way and that one side of the street, at least 12’ wide, will be kept clear for emergency vehicle access.
  • Provide a sketch showing the limits of the streets that will be closed, locations of tables, chairs, etc. that will be in the street, and a 12’ minimum width emergency vehicle lane through the closed street.

Eastside Fire & Rescue may be able to stop by the block party to visit children if requested and they are available. Include your request in 1.b. above. Prior to the event, provide written notice to the residents who will be directly impacted by the street closure so they can plan their routes around the closure.

Contact Mercer Island Public Works (206) 275-7608 or if you have additional questions.