May 2025 Ridwell Pickup
Save your multilayer plastic packaging and plastic film from the landfill!
The City of Mercer Island is partnering with Ridwell to offer a free pickup of multilayer plastic packaging and plastic film recycling from your doorstep!
Sign up by Saturday, May 7, to opt-in for your free pickup! *Sign up link will be posted soon!
What is the difference between plastic film and multi-layer plastic?
Plastic film is made up of just one type of plastic, usually #2 or #4, and can be easily stretched with just your thumb. Multi-layer plastic is a type of material used in packaging that is made up of multiple layers of different plastic types fused together. It’s generally thicker and difficult to stretch.
How clean does multi-layer plastic need to be?
Dirt, oil, food, and mold from moisture or food remnants are considered contaminants. Multi-layer plastic needs to be clean and completely dry before going in your bag, as contaminated items are not able to be recycled properly. We appreciate your help with this!
What happens to multi-layer plastic once it is collected by Ridwell?
Ridwell processes, bales, and sends the multi-layer plastic to our partners. We have two awesome partners we work with to recycle your multi-layer plastic:
ByFusion turns your items into construction-grade building blocks.
Hydroblox turns your items into water drainage material.
In the meantime, check out Ridwell's website to learn more about the difference between multilayer plastic packaging and plastic film, and start saving your plastics for recycling, today!