24-29 RFQ - Subbasin 29 Watercourse Stabilization Design

Bid/RFP Status: 
Bid Awarded To: 
No Submitters- Will Rebid
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 2:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 

METHOD OF BID SOLICITATION:  MRSC Small Public Works" Engineering Services” and “Environmental ConsultingRoster in accordance with RCW 39.04.155. 

The City of Mercer Island (City) is soliciting proposals from qualified professional engineering firms interested in providing technical services to support a watercourse stabilization project intended to reduce erosion, improve the channel grade control, and stabilize the bank for two subbasin watercourses within the City. 

The proposed work involves stabilizing approximately 150 feet of watercourse east of West Mercer Way, aiming to enhance stream health and shore up bank stability. The selected firm will be responsible for review of existing information, preparation of preliminary remediation options, the development of detailed construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates, and supporting the permitting process as necessary, to produce a bid ready package for construction.  This RFQ show the location of the work and condition assessments of the site.

To receive automatic email notifications for the project, interested contractors may email elayne.grueber@mercerisland.gov to be added to the prospective bidder's list. Contractors not on the prospective bidders list, but wanting to submit a bid, are urged to check the project web page regularly for important project updates.

Please direct all submittal questions to Elayne Grueber, P.E. elayne.grueber@mercerisland.gov no later than June 19, 2024 by 5 pm.

Please send PDF submittals electronically to bids@mercerisland.gov no later than 2 pm, June 25, 2024.   All submittals should be clearly titled: RFQ for Subbasin 29 Watercourse Stabilization Design.

The City of Mercer Island, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 23 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award.