City Launches Climate Action Plan Survey

January 21, 2022 – To help fight climate change locally, the City began a year-long process to develop the first-ever Climate Action Plan (CAP) for Mercer Island. Over 60 people attended a kickoff online community meeting in December 2021, and another 45 joined the email update list. At this event, City staff delivered an overview presentation and attendees provided early feedback on their personal goals and vision for the CAP via polling, chat, and breakout discussion sessions. 

Now, the City has launched an online survey to gather additional feedback from more Islanders. All of the questions used at the community kickoff meeting are available in a three minute survey on the City's Let's Talk public engagement site. Please take the survey and help shape this plan. 

With local weather events like extreme heat (such as last summer’s “heat dome”), increased flooding, reduced snowpack, summer drought, and wildfires more frequent than ever, the Climate Action Plan will identify the government, business, and resident actions needed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and help protect our environment.

More workshops, surveys, webpage updates, and other opportunities to help shape this plan will be offered over the next 12 months - stay updated by subscribing to the City's email newsletter and following our social media profiles. More information about the Climate Action Plan can be found on Let's Talk, and you can learn about the City’s emissions and reduction efforts on our updated GHG tracking page.