Cross Connections & Backflow Prevention

Testing Backflow Assemblies


At the 1933 Chicago World's Fair, 98 people died from Dysentery due to sewage from the toilets that backed up into the water system. More recently, the neighbors to a food processing company discovered that their water was tainted with apple juice!

These events and many others like them are the result of cross connections. A cross connection is any potential or actual physical connection between potable water and a non potable fluid. These connections can range in severity from extreme hazards (such as sewage or chemicals) to aesthetic problems (e.g., juice, dirt, etc.).

Without protective devices, (referred to as backflow prevention assembly devices), the potable water supply can become contaminated by any customer in the system. A Cross Connection Control Program is required by the following entities to protect the public from contaminated water:

  1. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (through the Safe Drinking Water Act)
  2. Washington State Department of Health (WAC 246-290-490)
  3. The City of Mercer Island (Ordinance 15C-09)

The program calls for facility inspections to identify and eliminate cross connections, as well as annual testing of backflow prevention assemblies by a State-certified backflow tester.

Does This Apply To You?

Learn more about cross connections, and whether you need a backflow prevention device, from this simple WA State Dept of Health brochure. Or view our photo collection to see when a device is needed.

Mercer Island Backflow Program

The customer is responsible for the initial, annual, and any other tests required of the backflow assembly by a certified backflow tester.  The City maintains a database of the water or irrigation systems that have backflow assemblies.  As required by State law, an annual letter will be distributed requesting inspection of the backflow assembly.  The annual Test Report is to be filled out and submitted by the backflow assembly tester via the City’s online test portal. Have questions about the City requirements? Check our FAQ.

New Installations

If the assembly is a NEW installation, the backflow assembly tester can submit the first Test Report (see form below) via email to the following City Email address: -- any questions regarding the City’s Cross-connection Program can also be emailed to this same address.

Learn more

Educational videos showing how backflow can occur:

Reference Materials:

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