Message from the Chief

Welcome to the Police Department section of the City of Mercer Island website. We appreciate your interest in our Department and services.

A message from Chief Sutter is being processed.  Please check back for further updates.

Chris Sutter
Police Chief
9611 SE 36th Street
Mercer Island, WA 98040
206 275-7911 

Operations Commander

The Mercer Island Police Department is comprised of two Divisions, the Operations Division and the Services Division.  Although each Division has very different responsibilities, they strive to work together to deliver the best overall Police services to the Mercer Island community.

Commander Mike Seifert is the Operations Commander.  The Operations Commander is responsible for supervising the Patrol Section and all of the specialty units within the Police Department, including Marine Patrol, the Dive Team, the Special Operations Team, and the Bike Team.  The Operations Commander is responsible for assuring proper staffing levels and providing operation planning for regular patrol shifts and during special events such as Summer Celebration and SeaFair.

Commander Seifert may be reached at 206-275-7901 or for further information.

Services Commander

The Mercer Island Police Department is divided into two Divisions: the Services Division and the Operations Division. Although the two Divisions have different responsibilities, they strive to work together to deliver the best overall Police services to the Mercer Island community.

Commander Jeff Magnan is the Services Division Commander.  Commander Magnan supervises the Investigation Unit, Personnel and Training, Emergency Management, and the Records and Evidence Sections.  In addition, the Services Division acquires, installs, and maintains the latest technology available to the Police Department, including mobile computers in patrol cars (MDCs), police radio equipment, and other technical hardware utilized throughout the entire department.  The Services Division is responsible for ensuring our department meets and/or exceeds state accreditation standards and passes all state inspections and audits related to the Records and Evidence functions.

Commander Magnan may be reached at 206-275-7917 or for further information.