Police Records

The City of Mercer Island Police Records Division staff may be reached by dialing 206-275-7610, by email at mi-records@mercergov.org, or fax 206-275-7941. 

The Records Division staff can be reached by phone or email Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Police & Fire Public Records Requests

If you would like to request a copy of a police or fire incident report, or any other specific identifiable document, please visit the City's Open Public Records portal to make your request. 

The Sr. Paralegal has been designated as the Public Records Officer for the City of Mercer Island.  The Police Records Supervisor is the contact for police and fire records.

Any fees charged are pursuant to RCW 10.97.100, 42.56.070(7-8) & 42.56.120.  Depending on the volume of information requested, a deposit of up to 50% of the projected costs may be required.
Methods of payment accepted: Cash, check or credit/debit card.

Traffic Accident Reports Available On-Line

Traffic Accident reports are available through an on-line service, called BuyCrash.com, as well as directly from the Police Department as noted above.  If you are interested in obtaining your traffic accident report through BuyCrash.com, please have your case report number and the incident date available and log onto www.buycrash.com, then follow the prompts.