Land Use and Planning Advice: Tips for Success

Checking all the boxes

Review Site History

Research the site history. Check your title report for special conditions or restrictions related to the development of your property. The City has individual 'street address' files for many of the lots on Mercer Island with information on past development and activities that you may wish to review. Use our map portal and to review specific site history online. 

Base your project on an Accurate Site Plan

Obtain a site survey prepared by a registered Washington State land surveyor of your property, with two-foot contours, showing all existing natural and built features. This site survey is to be used as a base for your site development plans.

Comply with all ULDC Requirements

Review the development regulations that pertain to the site- after viewing, feel free to ask questions to clarify! City's Unified Land Development Code (MICC Title 19).

Obtaining Federal and State Permits

If you are doing work within a watercourse corridor and/or wetlands in or within 200 feet of Lake Washington, consult with state and federal agencies about the scope of your project to find out early in your design process if there are any special concerns or modifications that should be made prior to submitting for City approval.

Contact the Department of Ecology Permit Assistance Center to obtain statewide environmental permit information and see if your project plans need modification. Call 360-407-7037 to find out which environmental permits are required for your proposed activity.

Review the Comprehensive Plan

If applicable, obtain a copy of the City's Comprehensive Plan and review the elements that pertain to your project.

Use Quality Design Professionals

Use the highest quality design professionals as this will be the single most important aspect of your project. The quality of the plans and project presentation reflects on the overall quality of the application. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (1-800-647-0982) maintains a database to assist you in determining if your prospective construction, electrical or plumbing contractor has met the legal requirements for operating in Washington State.

Respect the Character of the Neighborhood

Give thoughtful consideration to the life of the project, the proposed use and its contributions to the community. Remember, a proposed development does not stop at the property lines.

Plan Ahead

Remember to provide adequate time to research, plan and design your project. Remember to factor in the time necessary to apply, revise, and obtain City, state and federal permits.

Maintain Public Contact

You may wish to meet with neighboring property owners to discuss your proposal prior to filing the application.