Tree Permits

The Land Use and Planning Division review private development and tree removal applications with an eye for tree protection and retention per the requirements of the Mercer Island City Code. Public Works and Parks staff manage trees on public property. 

NOTE: The Land Use and Planning Division does not provide general tree consulting services. Residents that need a detailed assessment about the condition or quality of trees on private property should contact a certified arborist. The International Society of Arboriculture offers a Find an Arborist Tool and other resources.  

Do I need a tree permit?

The answer is almost always yes. The following may be allowed without a permit, but there are exceptions. Please see the FAQ (below) for more information.

  1. Pruning a tree/ normal maintenance of a tree on your property
  2. Cutting a small tree outside of a critical area/ buffer (see definition in the FAQ) on your property
  3. Pruning tree limbs that reach over your property (up to the property line)
  4. Removal of a species identified in the weed of concern, noxious, or invasive weed list established by Washington or King County

Please see below for more information on different tree permits.