Resubmittal Process and Requirements
Upload Submittal Documents to the Permit Submittal Portal
Following the instructions below will help avoid delays with the resubmittal process.
Once corrections have been made to your plans set, resubmit a complete set of corrected plans and any updated forms and documents.
*You will need access to Adobe software to review and respond to plan review comments. You can download the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC at if you do not already have a current professional version of the product.
- Review Comments
- Each Plan Reviewer marks up their comments directly onto your submitted plan set. After each reviewer has completed their review, they will publish their comments to the Cloud for you and your consultant's review. Reviewers will send an email notification when these comments are available.
- You will need to save the commented plan set to your hard drive and open it with Adobe software to be able to view and respond to plan the comments. You will not be able to view the comments in your web browser or in any other PDF viewer. You can download the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC at if you do not already have a current professional version of the product.
Having trouble accessing review comments? Visit our Troubleshooting page.
Reply to Plan Review Comments
- Reply to Comments*
- After all the review disciplines have Published their comments, you will "Reply" to each comment directly on the plan set. Push the “Publish Comments” button to send your replies to our server. If you need help replying to any of your comments, please use the step by step instructions, "Reading and Replying to MIePlan Comments."
*We require that all applicants add a reply to each plan review comment prior to resubmitting. The replies must be added to the correction drawing file, accessed via the link provided by the plan reviewers. Step by step instructions for reading and replying to comments are available here.
To add replies:
- You must open the commented plan in an Adobe Product to respond to the comments. If you do not have Adobe, you can download the free version of Adobe Reader.
- Respond to each review comment using the reply functionality in the Adobe comments navigation pane.
- Right click each comment and select “reply.”
- Select the “Publish Comments” button prior to exiting.
Note: It is okay save your work as you go, and wait to publish comments until you are finished.
Having Trouble? Troubleshooting Steps are available here.
Format Your Resubmittal
Please ensure you follow these requirements to allow your project to be reviewed and routed. Improperly formatted submittals will be deemed incomplete and delay the intake process.
Forms and Supplemental Documents: Any updated forms or documents should be included with your resubmittal. It is not necessary to resubmit unchanged forms or documents that were included with previous submittals.
Plans: We require a complete plan set with every resubmittal. Include all plan sheets, even those that are unchanged, with your updated plan set.
- Submit all documents in PDF file format. (only exception is for Excel spreadsheet files)
- Permit forms and supplemental documents must be submitted as separate PDF documents. Do not combine these documents into one PDF.
- Formatting the Plan Set:
- All plan sheets must be merged into a single PDF document.
- Include architectural, civil, structural, and other plan sheet types as required by Permit Types (ie: mechanical, electrical or plumbing)
- Bookmark each plan sheet with page number and name (ie: A1.1 Site Plan). See our tip sheet on how to bookmark plans.
- Set all sheets to landscape orientation
- Minimum accepted plan sheet size is 11”x17”. Electronically format plan sheets to print to scale on this size sheet or larger.
- Do not make updates on the shared review file that contains City review comments. Update the original files. The review comments should not be part of your submitted plan.
*Ensure that no security settings (passwords, signatures, and certificate policies) are applied to the documents. This is required to allow city staff to add mark ups during the review process.
Resubmit Updated Plans
Once corrections have been made to your plans set, resubmit a complete set of corrected plans and any updated forms and documents to the Mercer Island Permit Submittal Portal.
Note - Upload a separate resubmittal for each application in review. If a building permit application and related landuse application have been submitted concurrently, they are separate files with separate file numbers. Resubmittal packages should be submitted for each file number, even if that means duplicate documents are submitted.