Passive House - An Alternative Approach to Residential Energy Efficiency

Passive House

Passive House certification is an alternative to the conventional requirements in the Washington state residential energy code. By providing energy modeling of the performance of the house, this approach demonstrates overall energy efficiency to one of two third party standards.

Why get Passive House certification?
Choosing to certify your home will ensure that it is built to strict standards that guarantee reduced energy use beyond what the City could otherwise require. This can also add value to the home.

Code Provisions for Passive House Certification

The following of the 2018 residential provisions of the Washington State Energy code.  When selecting a third party to perform your energy analysis, please verify that they’re conforming to one of these two approved standards.
Select one of the two following compliance paths:


Passive House Institute (PHIUS) Requirement

Passive House Institute U.S. (PHIUS). Projects shall comply with PHIUS+ 2018 Passive Building Standard, including its USDOE Energy Star and Zero Energy Ready Home co-requisites, and performance calculations by PHIUS-approved software. Projects shall also comply with the provisions of Table (R405.2. R407.2):

PHIUS documentation. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following items must be provided to the code official:

  1. 1. A list of compliance features.
  2. 2. A PHIUS precertification letter.

Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the following item must be provided to the code official:

  1. 1. A PHIUS+ 2018 (or later) project certificate.

Passive House Institute (PHI) Requirement

Passive House Institute (PHI). Projects shall comply with Low Energy Building Standard, version 9f or later, including performance calculations by PHI-approved software.

PHI documentation. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following items must be provided to the code official:

  1. 1. A list of compliance features.
  2. 2. A statement from a passive house certifier that the modeled energy performance is congruent with the plans and specifications, and that the modeled performance meets said standard.

Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the following item must be provided to the code official:

  1. 1. A PHI Low Energy Building project certificate.

Builders Field Guide to Energy Code

Washington State University - Energy Code Guide

  • Note: Mercer Island Is not affiliated with WSU.
  • If your building permit was submitted before February 1, 2021, it must meet requirements of 2015 WSEC-R