Street Tree Pruning & Removal
The City Right-of-Way (ROW) typically includes streets, sidewalks, paths, shoulders, and can sometimes portions of what may look like your front yard. Trees and shrubs located in the City Right-of-Way are regulated by the City. When a resident wishes to trim or remove a tree in the City Right-of-Way, they must first obtain approval and a permit from the City.
Contact us at prior to requesting a Right-of-Way tree trimming permit, or reporting a dead or hazardous tree for assessment. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- Property address and where the tree is located (e.g. NW corner of property, adjacent to mailbox, etc.)
- Type of tree (evergreen vs. deciduous) and species if known.
- Approximate tree height and/ or trunk diameter (at chest height).
- Reason for request to prune/ remove tree(s).
If the City determines that pruning/removal may be allowed, you will need to email a ROW Tree Pruning/Cutting permit application and a ROW Use permit application for review.