Street Tree Pruning & Removal

The City Right-of-Way (ROW) typically includes streets, sidewalks, paths, shoulders, and can sometimes portions of what may look like your front yard. Trees and shrubs located in the City Right-of-Way are regulated by the City. When a resident wishes to trim or remove a tree in the City Right-of-Way, they must first obtain approval and a permit from the City. 

Contact us at  prior to requesting a Right-of-Way tree trimming permit, or reporting a dead or hazardous tree for assessment. Be prepared to provide the following information:

  1. Property address and where the tree is located (e.g. NW corner of property, adjacent to mailbox, etc.)
  2. Type of tree (evergreen vs. deciduous) and species if known.
  3. Approximate tree height and/ or trunk diameter (at chest height).
  4. Reason for request to prune/ remove tree(s).

If the City determines that pruning/removal may be allowed, you will need to email a ROW Tree Pruning/Cutting permit application and a ROW Use permit application for review.

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