Commercial and Multifamily Plumbing Permits

Commercial and Multifamily Plumbing Permits typically require plan review. Minor work may be exempt from plan review with prior approval from the Inspector. The Customer Service Team is available to discuss your scope of work at 206-275-7605 or if you have questions about requirements.


Prepare your plan, permit forms, and supplemental information to allow for electronic plan review.  Select a contractor, unless you are an owner acting as your own contractor, and make sure that they have a Mercer Island Business License.


Required Forms

  1. Plumbing Permit Application Form  
  2. Owner as Contractor Form (only required if you are an owner acting as your own contractor)

Required Documents

  1. Construction Documents- Combine all plan sheets into a single PDF file for submittal. This package will become your approved drawings set.  Please bookmark each sheet in the plan set (i.e.: A1.1- Site Plan) prior to submittal.  Click here to read our tip sheet on How to Bookmark Plans.
  2. Spec Sheets
    • Please include  plumbing layout plan including information about the required grease interceptor(s) if in scope of work.

How to Apply

Submit your plans, forms and supplemental documents to the Mercer Island Permit Submittal Portal.

For Grease Interceptors:

Please contact the city engineer

Additional Information